Pākehā, male-dominated tech sector may not design future for all…

from Sunday TV Story

“Technology shapes almost every facet of our lives from how we work, to how we communicate but this dynamic industry doesn’t represent all of us. Only 4% of the workforce is Māori and less than 3% Pasifika, leading to concern that the solutions of the future are not being solved with everyone in mind. Brittany Teei runs 3bagsfull, a software development company that also offers online courses so people can study from the comfort of their own home. Her company then places its graduates into their first, entry-level tech jobs.”

TVNZ Sunday’s Tania Paige spent hours with Britt and the team to learn and share about the 3BF mahi.

Quotable quotes from the story

Olivia “Through that I saw the importance of technology and the power of technology”

Britt “I had this image in my head of geeky white dude being a techie..”

Britt “ If we’re not at the table designing these solutions…then they’re not going to be designed with us in mind..”

Britt “The stats all show we don’t make it to the end of that pathway…. Māori and Pasifika are dropping off, because they’ve got other life pressures, so of course they’re going to help their family out…”

Britt “The computer doesn’t judge where you are or what colour your skin is…..Once you have those things in place the world’s your oyster.”