3Bags Full is working with NZTech, Microsoft and the Ministry of Social Development to support wāhine onto career pathways in the tech industry.

Designed by 3BF, the empowering programme works with women who are seeking jobs and matches them with real opportunities in tech companies.

“We know that Maori and Pasifika are underrepresented in this sector. We know there is a massive need for skilled people to do the mahi. And we know we have a resource of people, who, given the right opportunities and support, can,” explains 3BF Founder Brittany Teei. 

The ‘Sisters in Tech’ programme matches people with roles, ensuring that they arrive industry ready. If they need to refresh or develop specific skills, the 3BF team provide individualised training and support.

“The difference here is that once they’re in the role, our support continues with mentoring and pastoral care. We’re invested in their success. So, it’s a win win win for everybody.”

The programme launches in March with the goal of placing 30 Wāhine into roles with Tech Sector companies this year. 

For further information about 3BF, please contact Brittany Teei at [email protected]