A recent article published on Computer World highlights the extent of the tech sector shortage New Zealand is currently facing. The article references two recent reports, both of which call attention to the need for digital skills within NZ.
In response to these reports, Amazon Web Services claimed 35% of workers will require digital training within the next year. The team here at 3BF are well aware of the nation’s shortage of skilled workers, but even more so as to where the short fallings lie.
Only 3% of Summer of Tech applicants identified as Maori or Pasifika, making it clear the New Zealand tech industry is not only facing a skilled worker crisis, but also a diversity crisis.
Māori and Pacific peoples make up only 2% of the technology sector in New Zealand, according to Global Co-Chair of Indeginous at Microsoft, Dan Walker.
In an article published two years ago Dan said Māori and Pasifika representation in the tech sector is a tragedy, considering they make up around 25% of the population. Our goal is to diversify the tech sector and mitigate the effects of the skills shortage.
3 Bags Full CEO Brittany Teei thinks a reimagined and disruptive approach to recruitment is integral to what makes us unique.
“One of our strengths is our recruitment model, which challenges traditional methods by acknowledging both candidate and client as equal parties in any employment arrangement.
“Understanding the needs and wants of both client and candidate provides a better outcome for everyone involved.”
Ongoing pastoral care is another tradition-challenging tool we are proud to employ.
For months after a placement 3BF supports, mentors and guides the employer and employee to ensure the transition into a tech-centric environment occurs as seamlessly as possible.
Although overseas skilled workers can make up for some of what New Zealand is lacking, training and up-skilling Māori and Pasifika for tech roles provides a wealth of benefits aside from simply filling desks.
Recent research shows that companies who actively spearhead diversity and inclusion strategies are 35% more likely to achieve above-average returns – with business performance increased by 31%.
To find out more about 3BF visit www.3bagsfull.co.nz