It was great to be able to share what 3BF is doing because I feel that this company should have more recognition for what they do and how they help our youth. Recently I have been selected to be a part of a youth advisory group (Le Va) where we support the mental health of Pasifika. In a way for me it feels like I’m giving back to the community like 3BF.

I told my co-workers about how the udemy platform works and how I use it to learn new skills. I explained to them how I was learning about photoshop because this will equip me with another skill. One of the reasons why I wanted to learn photoshop was because I was thinking of starting my own clothing brand and doing my own designs. The course about business branding really helped me understand the importance of having good brand awareness and reputation. I enjoy sharing what I do and I continue to share my journey with others.

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